There Were Three Couples Who Wanted To Be Members Of A Church

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There were three couples who wanted to be members of a church: an elderly
couple, a middle-aged couple and a newlywed couple. The preacher said,
"To become members you have to abstain from sex for one whole month."
All three couples agreed and arranged to return in one month. After the
month had passed, the preacher asked each couple how well they had done.
The elderly couple reported they had succeded with little difficulty. The
middle-aged couple said it was challenging, but that they had also succeded.
Then the preacher asked the newlyweds how they had done. The husband said,
"Well, the first two weeks were o.k., the third week was really challenging,
but during the fourth week my wife bent over to get a can of vegtables and
I just lost all control." The preacher said, "Well, then, I'm sorry to say
that you can't become members of our church." To which the husband replied,
"That's o.k., they won't let us back in the grocery store either."
