Once Upon A Time, A Marine Gunny Took It Upon Himself To Toilet Train His Son.

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Once upon a time, a Marine Gunny took it upon himself to toilet train his
son. Being a Marine, the kid was taught "by the numbers." So the Gunny took
his son into the head and he said, "Kid, this is the way you do it by the
numbers: ONE! You unzip your fly. TWO! You pull out your crank. THREE! You
piss! FOUR! You put it back in. FIVE! You zip up your pants. Got it?" The
little kid, being the son of a Marine, immediately responded with a thunder-
ing, "Aye, aye!" A day or so went by, and the Gunny spied his son going into
the head, so he snuck up to the door and listened: "One! Two! Three! Four!
Two! Four! Two! Four! ..."
