Two Maintenance Men, Pat O'Brien And Ivan Petrovich Were Working Around On The Launch Pad Of The Space Shuttle One Day, When Pat Noticed Some Fuel Leaking From One Of The O-ring Seals.

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Two maintenance men, Pat O'Brien and Ivan Petrovich were working around on
the launch pad of the space shuttle one day, when Pat noticed some fuel
leaking from one of the o-ring seals. Ivan immediately notified mission
control, which instructed Ivan and Pat to try to contain the fuel spill
until NASA could figure out what else to do. So, Pat and Ivan started
putting buckets, cans, jars, and whatever else they could find, under the
leaking engines. After several hours (it took the NASA bureaucracy -long-
time to figure out who to blame) Ivan decided to taste the fuel.

Ivan: "Hey, Pat! Take a sip of this shit. It ain't half-bad."

Pat: "Are you crazy?"

Ivan: "No, really. It's kinda like vodka or something."

Pat: "Hey, you're right! This -is- good stuff ..."

Ivan: "Yea, and I think I'm getting a good buzz off it too ..."

So, Pat and Ivan continued to consume their new-found source of entertain-
ment. The fuel spill was quickly disposed of. The next morning, Ivan got a
phone call.

Ivan: "Hello?"

Pat: "Hey Ivan, how are feeling?"

Ivan: "Pretty good, actually. I don't have a hangover or nuthin'!"

Pat: "Have you gone to the bathroom yet?"

Ivan: "No, why?"

Pat: "Because I'm calling you from Australia ..."
