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A Flashlight Is A Case For Holding Dead Batteries.
Short Jokes
One Liners
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Scene: Student and instructor are on a dual, night cross country.
Instructor: Turns down the panel lights, "OK, you've just lost your lights, what are you going to do?...
Things That Make You Go Hmmm... ** It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial cost and blamed it on the cost of living.
** Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off....
Batteries not included.
Hand me that solar-powered flashlight...
I bought some batteries, but they weren't included
For Sale (Cheap!) FOR SALE AS OF 1/2/2000 5000 watt propane generator 200 canned hams 100 pounds dried beans 2000 gallons fresh water (including underground tank) 75 MRE'S 800 assorted canned vegetables 8 cases sterno (24 per case) 18 boxes matches 2000 rounds of 45 caliber bullets 10 cases 12 gauge shotgun shells 50 "D" cell batteries.
75 "AA" batteries. 47 "AAA" batteries. 1 solar powered radio 4 cases powdered protein 1 milk cow 1 bull 7 laying hens 1 rooster furniture for 40' x 60' underground shelter (with separate livestock quarters) 1 wood burning stove 8 cords wood 43 assorted magazines (12 adult related) 12 flashlights 8 kerosene lamps 16 military blankets Many other miscellaneous survival items....
Best for a case of nerves is a case of beer.
Never argue with someoneoneone holding a Bazooka!
Aviation Terms for The Uninformed ALTERNATE AIRPORT
The area directly beyond the active runway when the engine quits on take off ALTIMETER SETTING...