At One Of The Dorms Here (Techwood) I Remember When Lots Of Practical Jokes Were Played On People.

HomeShort JokesPractical Jokes

At one of the dorms here (Techwood) I remember when lots of practical jokes
were played on people. Of course there was the 'penny in the door frame' to
'penny' them in (keep the door from opening). But i always liked the more
original versions. Cover the door with paper, just paper. Let the mark
open the door, find the paper, and break it all down... do this as many times
as you wish. The next time, paper the door and either place a wall of bricks
or cement blocks behind the door (by this time, he just walks thru the paper)
or even prop a trashcan full of water against the door...

These and other jokes became quite popular, but, alas, a new class of students
seems to have moved in (they actually **study**) and these jokes became out-
lawed by the RA's (hall monitors)... (RA's used to help... and were usually
helpful with their pass key)... But these jokes were called a fire hazard (i.e.
would block people in, in a fire...) "so it goes..."
