A young nun is in a monistary and is plegued with thoughts of men. She
decides that she can no longer life wiht these thoughts and goes to the
Mother Superior. She says, "Um, Mother, I am being stricken by, ah, unpure
thoughts about men."
The mother just smiles and says, "It happens to all the young ones, sister.
To relieve yourself of this, every time you have an unclean thought go to
a mirror, make your hand into a gun and shoot your reflection."
The young nun is a little skeptical of this but thanks the Mother Superior
and leaves. Down the hall a little bit she begins to have an unclean thought.
She promptly runs to a mirror and makes her hand into a gun, points it at the
reflection, and goes "BANG!"
The unclean thought vanishes imediatly. This makes the young nun happy and
she goes about her routine again. She has an unclean thought ever once
in a while but she promptly gets rid of it.
One day the youg nun gets up and gets ready for breakfast when she is plagued
by one of those thoughts so she points at her reflection and goes "BANG" and
it goes away. She finishes getting ready and it comes back. She goes to the
mirror and goes "BANG" and it goes away. She leaves for breakfast and it comes
back so she runs to the hall mirror and goes "BANG" but it comes right back.
She goes "BANG" again and it comes back. She goes "BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG"
but it is no use the thought keeps comming back. Panic stricken she runs
to the Mother Superiors room throws the door open only to find the Mother
Superior in fron of her mirror going "Rat tat tat tat tat tat!"