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If (1+x) (real Close To 1) Is Raised To The Power Of 1 Over X, You Will Find Here's The Value Defined
Short Jokes
Science Humor
If (1+x) (real close to 1)
Is raised to the power of 1
Over x, you will find
Here's the value defined:
A person who can, within a year, solve x^2 - 92y^2 = 1 is a mathematician." -- Brahmagupta
This limerick was previously posted incorrectly. The integral limit has been changed.
] Here's a limerick I picked up off the net a few years back - looks better on paper....
Here's a limerick I picked up off the net a few years back - looks better on paper.
\/3 / | 2 3 x 3....
You are here: X
X-- : You are Here
Why does every university have a math department? It's cheaper than institutionalizing them.
\/3 / | 2 3 x 3....
When I was in a six person suite of rooms, one of my room mates was a witch, and by coincidence, another room mate had a key to his room.
One night the witch room mate returned to find that all six calendars in his room were set to October, and there was a pentagram of pencils on his desk....
In 1978, the developers of the C programming In 1978
he developers of the C programming language (Kernighan and Ritchie) introduced their new language to the world in a book titled "THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE....