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Gynecologist: "Removing The Vibrator Is Going To Be A Tricky And Expensive Operation.
Short Jokes
Sick Jokes
Gynecologist: "Removing the vibrator is going to be a tricky and expensive operation."
Woman: "Why don't you just replace the batteries?"
A college student picked up his date at her parents home.
He'd scraped together every cent he had to take her to a fancy restaurant....
One woman says to another: "I can't understand why you haven't gone to see that new gynecologist yet!
I mean he's so young and handsome! And your gynecologist is so old!...
Buttons we would like to wear: Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen. Who are these kids and why are they calling me Mom?...
Two brunettes and a blonde are in the hospital awaiting the arrival of their first children.
The 1st brunette says, "I just know I'm going to have a girl, 'cuz I conceived while I was on my back"....
A woman from the south was attending a social gathering up north and tried striking up a conversation .
.. "Where're you all from?" she asked to a group of ladies....
What did the banana say to the vibrator? What are you shaking for?
I'm the one she's going to *EAT*!...
A beautiful young brunette was about to undergo a minor operation.
She had been prepared and wheeled along to the operation chamber's door where the nurse had left her to check if the operation staff were ready....
The young woman settled down on the table and th doctor gynecologist asked, "What exactly happened?
Well she replied that " My boyfriend had his glasses down there and he got so wild that they fell in!...