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If It's Not On Fire, It's A Software Problem.
Short Jokes
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If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.
How many hardware guys does it take to screw in a light bulb?
"Well, the diagnostics say it's fine, buddy, so it's a software problem....
Fire! Fire! Your computer's on FIRE!
Q: How many software people does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. Thats a hardware problem. A': One, but if he changes it, the whole building will probably fall down....
Q: How many hardware folks does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. That's a software problem. A': None. They just have marketing portray the dead bulb as a feature....
In case of fire, yell "FIRE!
Engineer, physicist and mathematican are all challenged with a problem
o fry an egg when there is a fire in the house. The engineer just grabs a huge bucket of water and runs over to the fire, putting it out....
An engineer, physicist, and mathematician are all challenged with a problem
o fry an egg when there is a fire in the house. The engineer just grabs a huge bucket of water, runs over to the fire, and puts it out....
Fire In The Hole