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Mason-Dixon: Line That Separates Y'all From Youse-guys.
Short Jokes
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Mason-Dixon: Line that separates y'all from youse-guys.
Mason-Dixon: Line that separates y'all from youse-guys.
Not a joke, but a humorous ditty I heard from some guys in an engineering fraternity (to the best of my recollection)
I'll do it phonetically: ee to the ex dee ex, ee to the why dee why, sine x, cosine x, natural log of y, derivative on the left derivative on the right integrate, integrate, fight!...
Wisconsin Dictionary: ** AIN-A-HEY: placed at the end of a profound stateme
as in "isn't it?" ** BART: a Green Bay institution who doesn't need a last name...
A white man walks into a doctors office and asks for a physical.
The doc starts performing the normal physical and asks the man to pull his shorts down....
Perry Mason and the Case of the Abominable Bigfoo
Remember: Don't send to me and rec.humor at the same time.
Try to wait. From werner Wed Jul 13 14:06:34 1988 Flag...
The Supreme Court decision on televising college football games is a bit confusing.
But what do you expect from a team that has just nine members, all of whom sit on the bench?...
Me'n Guido u'd like youse to try MarkMail...
Lunch at the Y!