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Mason's First Law Of Synergism: The One Day You'd Sell Your Soul For Something, Souls Are A Glut.
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Mason's First Law of Synergism: The one day you'd sell your soul
for something, souls are a glut.
Mason's First Law of Synergism: The one day you'd sell your soul for something, souls are a glut.
The one day you'd sell you soul for something, souls are a glut. -- Mason's First Law of Synergism
The one day you'd sell your soul for something, souls are a glut.
If you are the first to know about something bad, you are going to be held responsible for acting on it, regardless of your formal duties.
-- Crenna's Law of Political Accountability...
Crenna's Law of Political Accountability: If you are the first to know about something bad, you are going to be held responsible for acting on it, regardless of your formal duties.
Never sell your hens on a wet day.
Bart: Well, if your soul is real, where is it? Milhouse
[motions to his chest] It's kind of in here. And when you sneeze, that's your soul trying to escape....
Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.
-- Murphy's Law Corollary 6...
Hutz: My client's film predates all of those things your Honor.
Lawyer: Oh _yes_! I've forgotten! Your famous film, the one you destroyed before the trial and haven't been able to find another copy of!...