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If Pornography Helps Against Sexual Frustrations, Why Not Give Cookery Books To The Starving?
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If pornography helps against sexual frustrations,
why not give cookery books to the starving?
Pornography = art. Or is it sexual harassment?
How many alt.folklore.urban readers -- does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Furrfu ! Note: - furrfu is the word "sheesh" encoded in Rot-13 (a simple but commonly-used cipher that helps protect the unwary against unwanted exposure to sexual, vulgar, or other offensive language)....
If the purpose of pornography is to excite sexual desire, it is unnecessary for the young, inconvenient for the middle-aged, and unseemly for the old.
-- Malcolm Muggeridge...
PORNOGRAPHY -- cliterature.
Hunger finds no fault with the cookery. -- Proverb
One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocea
a spark of fire helps to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service....
Tony, you're my agent. You _have_ to do something about this.
...How can it be the same movie if they've changed my character from a convenience store clerk to a jittery eskimo firefighter?...
Bender, we didn't mind your drinking or your cleptomania or your pornography ring.
Leela "In fact, that's why we love you." -Zoidberg...
If some books are deemed most baneful and their sale forbid, how then with deadlier facts, not dreams of doting men?
Those whom books will hurt will not be proof against events....