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If You Didn't Program It In PASCAL It's WIRTHless.
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If you didn't program it in PASCAL it's WIRTHless.
If not Pascal or Modula2 your program is WIRTHless.
Real programmers don't program in PASCAL. PASCAL is for pencil-pushing pinstripes who think structure is good and spontaneous hacks are bad.
Pascal is like C with a mother watching you...
If you Pascal on the road, go C him and his dog Spot.
1] Use lots of global variables. 2] Give them cryptic names such a
X27, a_gcl, or Horace. 3] Put everything in one large ....
Drawling granny voice:) Way back inna winner of fifty-two, we didn' have fanshy gadjets like no ansherin' machine.
You jusht had to call and call until shummbody got home....
Rachel: So, come on, what was the big news Pete wanted to tell you Mon?
! Or should I say Mrs. Monica Becker? Phoebe: No-no-no oh, keep your name, don_t take his name....
Real software engineers admire PASCAL for its discipline and Spartan purity, but they find it difficult to actually program in.
They don't tell this to their friends, because they are afraid it means that they are somehow Unworthy....
If I had had more time, I could have written you a shorter letter. -- Blaise Pascal