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I Just Want To Say, If You Had Lived, You Would Have Been A Very Sick Man. -- Jack E.
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I just want to say, if you had lived, you would have been a very sick man.
-- Jack E. Leonard
I'm going to die". (...) "I shall manage. Don't you worry about me," Jack said between clenched teeth.
Joy shook her head. "I think it can be better than that....
There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure." Jack E. Leonard
Burns: OK, let's make this sporting, Leonard. If you can tell me why I shouldn't fire you without using the letter "E", you can keep your job.
Lenny: Uh, OK. Um, I'm a -- Bu...
Your husband tells me you have a great mind. Too bad it hasn't reached your head.
-- Jack E. Leonard...
I won't tell you how much I weigh, but don't ever get in an elevator with me unless you're going down.
-- Jack E. Leonard...
My wife's not the worst cook in the world, but she keeps on burning the coffee.
You would too if you kept pouring it through the toaster all the time. -- Jack E. Leonard...
Mudpacks aren't good for the complexion. Did you ever see a pretty pig? -- Jack E. Leonard
Yar: "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I wish I could say you've been like a father to me, but I've never had one so I don't know what it feels like.
But if there was one person in this universe who I would choose to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me, it's you....