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And For My Nineteenth Birthday I Got A Union Card And A Wedding Coat.
Fortune Cookies
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And for my nineteenth birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat.
My youngest daughter just had her first birthday. We bought her a card with one of those "I am 1" badges.
One the back was the disclaimer: "Not suitable for children under three years old...
For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier.
.. I put them in the same room and let them fight it out... -- Stephen Wrigh...
For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier.
I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. -- Steven Wrigh...
I want Kirstie Alley for my Birthday!
Bart: Heh, nudist colonies are everywhere these days.
I'd love to go, but I... [stares at the card] can't get the wrinkles out of my birthday suit....
It's my birthday today! Hooray.
Lisa: Oh, Mom, please? You can make this my birthday *and* Christmas presents.
Marge: You already used up your birthday and Christmas presents on that peach tree we got you....
When I got to America, I saw an ad in the paper: "We guarantee our furniture and stand behind it for six months.
That's why I left the Soviet Union. I don't want any people standing behind my furniture!...