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Recently, My Personal Advisors Have Beeen Telling Me To Go To America.
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Recently, my personal advisors have beeen telling me to go to
America. Actually, people have been walking up to me in the street and
telling me to sod off, but that's the same thing, isn't it?
-- Alexi Sayle
Woof! Gasp! Choke! yes, I do have people telling me all the time.
People keep telling me that I do not have a sense of humor, and I don't think that is funny at all, not one little bit.
Homer: Welcome to the Simpson residence or "casa de Simpson," as I call it.
Grimes: Yeah, what did you want to see me about, Simpson?...
Patty: Homer, um...I'm speechless. You just saved our hides.
Homer: Please, on top of everything else, don't make me picture your hides!...
You've been telling me to relax all the way here, and now you're telling me just to be myself?
-- The Return of the Secaucus Seve...
I've been having trouble waking up. I actually dozed off at a red light.
It was so embarrassing. There I was, out cold, other pedestrians nudging me to cross the street....
Please don't spoil everything by telling me the truth.
It's not enough knowing good from rotten..." "You're telling me.
"When something new pops up every day." "You're telling me!...
Actually, my goal is to have a sandwich named after me.