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REFERENCE The Academic Way Of Copying What Someone Else Has Written.
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The academic way of copying what someone else has written. The best
references don't actually exist. Which means they can say precisely
what you want them to say.
MEMOIR A book written by someone who has fallen out of the limelight and is struggling to get back in.
Generally hardback and costs at least $25. Generally a work of fiction by the author, claiming how great he/she was/is....
MALOUF, DAVID (1934-) Australian novelist, academic, and someone who my father bores me shitless by talking about all the time.
You've got cold you say? Well you know, Malouf said that influenza is like a bond between man and the unquestionable questions of existence....
MEANING When you say you're going to rip both my testicles from my groin and stuff them down my throat.
.. what do you really mean by the word "groin"? -- Daniel Bowen's TOXIC CUSTARPEDIA...
OBJECT Another of those words which is very good an being fairly anonymous in its description of anything, and not actually meaning very much.
Generally most useful when you want to describe something, but are unaware what the fuck it is....
VETO Device by which one absolute bastard can spoil the work of everyone else.
-- Daniel Bowen's TOXIC CUSTARPEDIA...
SCHEMA What you call a diagram when it gets too complicated and impressive to be called a diagram.
-- Daniel Bowen's TOXIC CUSTARPEDIA...
I'll not listen to reason. Reason always means what someone else has to say.
TRAM Large green thing which rumbles down city streets, carrying people to where they want to go.
Generally follows a predetermined path, but in no way subscribes to outlandish concepts such as "timetables"....
BLOOD Blood is a substance which runs around and around your body.
It ensures that you know when you've cut yourself, because suddenly whatever has a cut goes red....