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Tear Out All But The First Thirty Or So Pages Of _The Joy Of Sex_.
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Tear out all but the first thirty or so pages of _The Joy of Sex_.
Believe me, all those advanced positions are just not going to be
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
Try to appreciate sex with your knees tied together.
(This may be slightly more challenging if you are female....
Experiment with new ways to visit the toilet. Whatever you're doing now, it's not going to work.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Try, just once, to do the lotus position. You'll never get the opportunity again.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Learn that sharks aren't just there to be eaten. Some of them are getting the hang of this newfangled role-reversal stuff.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Stand (or sit if you are more advanced) on the shore and sing at passing ships.
Score a point for each one that runs aground. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Go water skiing, but keep the other ski as a spare.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Accuse fun-run organisers of discrimination. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
Act like a cartoon character. Most of your companions will be.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Buy your chiropodist a farewell present. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.