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The Amount Of Effort Put Into A Campaign By A Worker Expands In Proportion To The Personal Benefits That He Will Derive From His Party's Victory.
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The amount of effort put into a campaign by a worker expands in proportion
to the personal benefits that he will derive from his party's victory.
-- Milton Rakove
The citizen is influenced by principle in direct proportion to his distance from the political situation.
-- Milton Rakove...
The amount of success is in inverse proportion to the effort in attaining success.
-- Felix R. Paturi...
Law expands in proportion to the resources available for its enforcement. -- Dalin B. Oak
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. -- Anais Ni
Fun experiments: Get a can of shaving cream, throw it in a freezer for about a week.
Then take it out, peel the metal off and put it where you want....
Swearing increases in inverse proportion to the amount of work completed.
The amount of junk carried is in direct proportion to the amount of space available. -- Tony Hogg
A friend will refrain from telling you he picked up the same amount of life insurance coverage you did for the half the price and his is non-cancelable.
I feel like a 20-year old! Unfortunately, there aren't any here.
-- Milton Berle, at his 80th birthday party...