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What's That On Top Of The Telly? Looks Like A Penguin.
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What's that on top of the telly? Looks like a penguin.
Wot's on the television? It looks like a penguin. I mean the programme. -- Monty Pytho
It's six o'clock and time for the penguin on top of your terminal to explode.
There is a penguin sitting on the top left corner of my monitor... He's watching you!
What the hell is that thing? It looks like a Winabego with wings!
At the sound of the tone, YOUR telephone's going to EXPLODE!
(If you've seen the Monty Python episode where the announcer comes on and says "And now, it's time for the penguin on top of your television set to explode!...
Q: What looks like a cat, flies like a bat, brays like a donkey, and plays like a monkey?
A: Nothing....
A bonded penguin is a happy penguin.
Paul: It seems dark-matter is nature's sex drug. It's like a perverted trail mix of penguin estrogen, penguine Viagra and Spanish penguin fly.
Tux Penguin Boxing Match LAS VEGAS, NV -- The unofficial Linux mascot Tux the Penguin will face his arch rival the BSD Daemon in a boxing match this Saturday night.
The match is part of the International Computer Mascot Boxing Federation's First Annual World Championship Series....