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You Know You Are Overweight When You Get On A Talking Scales In The Mall And It Says "One At A Time, Please.
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You know you are overweight when you get on a talking scales in the Mall
and it says "One at a time, please."
You know you should be swimming when . . . You look at a statue of Justice and get disappointed that the scales aren't what and where you wanted them to be.
Two women were talking about that recent birth of quintuplets.
One woman says, "Did you know that happens only once in four million times?...
QOTD: "Overweight is when you step on your dog's tail and it dies.
You know how it is when you're walking up the stairs, and you get to the top, and you think there's one more step?
I'm like that all the time. -- Steven Wrigh...
Oh, yes, you know why fish are always weighing themselves?
Because they carry their scales with them....
You know you are in trouble when you've got insomnia so bad you can't fall asleep even when it's time to get up.
You know you should be swimming when . . . Everybody's talking about "fin de siecle" and you keep looking for the fin.
You know you should be swimming when . . . It always takes you a second when someone says that they hear a siren.
Lisa: Mr. Jefferson, my name is Lisa Simpson, and I have a problem.
Jefferson: I know your problem. The Lincoln Memorial was too crowded....