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I Have A Switch In My Apartment That Doesn't Do Anything.
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I have a switch in my apartment that doesn't do anything. Every once
in a while I turn it on and off. On and off. On and off. One day I
got a call from a woman in France who said "Cut it out!"
-- Steven Wright
I have a switch in my apartment... it doesn't do anything.
... Every once in a while, I turn it on and off.......
I recently moved into a new apartment, and there was this switch on the wall that didn't do anything.
So anytime I had nothing to do, I'd just flick that switch up and down....
I recently moved into a new apartment, and there was this switch on the wall that didn't do anything.
.. so anytime I had nothing to do, I'd just flick that switch up and down....
One day, when I came home from work, I accidently put my car key in the door of my apartment building.
.. I turned it... and the whole building started up....
I washed mud, off of mud. -- Steven Wrigh
I once tried to commit suicide by jumping off a building.
..I changed my mind at the last minute, so I just flipped over and landed on my feet....
Fry: Hey, I don't see you planning for your old age.
Bender: I got plans. I'm gonna turn my on/off switch to off....
There once was a king who ruled his country long, wisely, and well.
The king had a son whom he hoped would someday rule the land....
I'm kinda tired. I was up all night trying to round off infinity.
Then I got bored and went out and painted passing lines on curved roads. -- Steven Wrigh...