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Eureka!" -Professor "Did You Build The Smell-o-scope?
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"Eureka!" -Professor
"Did you build the Smell-o-scope?" -Fry
"No. I remembered that I built one last year." -Professor
I smell a rat. Did you bake it or fry it?
This is a great, as long as you don't make me smell Uranus.
Heh heh." -Fry "I don't get it." -Leela "I'm sorry, Fry, but astronomers renamed Uranus in 2620 to end that stupid joke once and for all....
Professor: "The thought of caressing that leathery hide makes the tapioca rise in my gullet" Fry
Professor, please, the fate of the world depends on you getting to second base with Mom....
Fry: What's so wonderful about Leela being normal? The rest of us aren't normal.
And that's what makes us great. Like Dr. Zoidberg....
Leela: "Where were you at 10pm last night?" Professor Farnsworth: "Where am I now?
Fry: "Hey, professor, what are you teaching this semester?
Prof. Farnsworth: "Same thing I teach every semester, the mathematics of quantum nutrino fields....
Professor: Anywho, your net suits will let you experience Fry's worm-infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them.
Zoidberg: There's no part of that sentence I didn't like....
Fry: Have you ever been in love? Worm Mayor: No, I thought I was once, but then I remembered our species reproduces with a cloud of spores.
Four Oxford dons were taking their evening walk together and as usual, were engaged in casual but learned conversation.
On this particular evening, their conversation was about the names given to groups of animals, such as a "pride of lions" or a "gaggle of geese....