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For A Bad Hangover, Take The Juice Of Two Quarts Of Whiskey. -- Eddie Condo
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For a bad hangover, take the juice of two quarts of whiskey.
-- Eddie Condon
For nations that waste their inheritances- even nations that are profligate -usually do so in ways more subtle than individuals.
Bad habits and bad advice take longer to inflict their damage...
The Celts invented two things, Whiskey and self-distruction.
Cooper: Sure fire cure for a hangover, Harry. You take a glass of nearly frozen unstrained tomato juice.
You plop a couple of oysters in there. You drink it down....
There are two problems with a major hangover. You feel like you are going to die and you're afraid that you won't.
One of the curious effects of a bad hangover is that you think you're wrong whether you are or not.
Not wrong in particulars, but wrong in general, wrong about everything. -- Jim Harriso...
Alcohol is good for you. My grandfather proved it irrevocably.
He drank two quarts of booze every mature day of his life and lived to the age of 103....
Iowans ask why Minnesotans don't drink more Kool-Aid.
That's because they can't figure out how to get two quarts of water into one of those little paper envelopes....
Any man who hates dogs and loves whiskey can't be all bad. -- W. C. Field
Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whiskey is barely enough. -- Mark Twai