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Welcome Back, Space Girl!
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Welcome back, space girl! [wipes a tear]
-- Chief Wiggum's emotional cry,
"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson"
I'm not wild about these high-risk ventures. They sound a little risky.
-- Marge's views on business, "The Twisted World of Marge Simpso...
Helen: I don't understand why they won't unload our falafel fixings.
Lou: Ship's impounded, Ma'am. Wiggum: Yeah, we, uh, found a couple of barnacles on the hull...
They say the pancakes here stink.
-- Agnes Skinner at the Municipal House of Pancakes, "The Twisted World of Marge Simpso...
Frank: Congratulations, and welcome to the dynamic world of mobile pretzel retailing.
Marge: When can I start? Where's my territory? Frank...
Marge needs help... and God knows I'm not the man to provide it.
But I know who can....
Marge: Welcome to Pretzel Wagon. May I take your order?
Lenny: [hesitating] Uh, let's see. I'll have... one, uh....
Hello. I'm Frank Ormand, and if you're watching me, that means you've got pretzel fever -- and not the kind that attacked my intestinal lining some years back.
[starts a sickening laughter] So let's get your franchise up and running....
Grampa: [in boxers] I had that dream again... Home
Oh, thank God, it's only Grampa. [slams door] -- "The Twisted World of Marge Simpso...
Marge: Homie, maybe we should go inside. Homer: But, Marge, that little guy hasn't done anything yet.
Look at him. [the man in white suit stands still amidst the fight] He's going to do something and you know it's going to be good....