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Now... Sit! I Said, Sit! [Santa's Little Helper Walks Away] Um, Take A Walk.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Now... Sit!
I said, Sit! [Santa's Little Helper walks away]
Um, take a walk. Sniff that other dog's butt.
See? He does exactly what I tell him.
-- Bart trying to demonstrate his control over the dog,
"Bart's Dog Get an F"
You son of a bitch. Good show!
-- Dog obedience instructor to Santa's Little Helper, "Bart's Dog Get an F...
You! Wandering mongrel! Get out of my Mom and Pop operation.
-- Apu shooing Santa's Little Helper away, "Bart's Dog Gets an F...
Homer: Well, crying isn't gonna bring him back, unless your tears smell like dog food.
So you can either sit there crying and eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food to make your dog come back -- or you can go out there and find your dog....
Lisa: This is our pet. We can question his integrity and disposition, but we can't question his heart.
Are you trying to teach us that the way to solve a problem with something we love is to throw it away?...
Free to loving home. World's most brilliant dog. Says `I Love You' on command.
-- advertisement for selling Santa's Little Helper, "Bart's Dog Gets an F...
Buddy -- Ran away from home. Lao Tzu -- Ate poison toad
ow in a coma. Santa's Little Helper -- Bit Bart. Homer didn't mind....
Homer: We can't lose! Look at the name of the dog I bet on.
Marge: "She's The Fastest"...Homer, I don't think that means necessarily -- Announce...
Lisa: I'm sure Mom agrees with me. Marge: Mmm. No, I'm afraid I agree with your father.
Homer: You do? [taunting and dancing] Ha ha ha ha ha....
Homer: Everybody in the kitchen. We're having a family meeting.
Bart: We never had a family meeting before... Home...