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You! Wandering Mongrel! Get Out Of My Mom And Pop Operation.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
You! Wandering mongrel! Get out of my Mom and Pop operation.
-- Apu shooing Santa's Little Helper away,
"Bart's Dog Gets an F"
You son of a bitch. Good show!
-- Dog obedience instructor to Santa's Little Helper, "Bart's Dog Get an F...
Lisa: I'm sure Mom agrees with me. Marge: Mmm. No, I'm afraid I agree with your father.
Homer: You do? [taunting and dancing] Ha ha ha ha ha....
Free to loving home. World's most brilliant dog. Says `I Love You' on command.
-- advertisement for selling Santa's Little Helper, "Bart's Dog Gets an F...
Lisa: This is our pet. We can question his integrity and disposition, but we can't question his heart.
Are you trying to teach us that the way to solve a problem with something we love is to throw it away?...
Now... Sit! I said, Sit! [Santa's Little Helper walks away] Um, take a walk.
Sniff that other dog's butt. See? He does exactly what I tell him....
Homer: Everybody in the kitchen. We're having a family meeting.
Bart: We never had a family meeting before... Home...
Marge: Oh, Homer, there seems to be a lot of good obedience schools here.
Bart: Oh, school, right, yeah, that's your answer to everything....
Buddy -- Ran away from home. Lao Tzu -- Ate poison toad
ow in a coma. Santa's Little Helper -- Bit Bart. Homer didn't mind....
Marge: [weeping] My quilt! Six generations, ruined!
Homer: Now Marge, honey honey honey. Come on, come on, don't get upset....