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Whenever My Faith In God Is Shaken, I Think Of The Miracle Of Anti-freeze.
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The Simpsons
Whenever my faith in God is shaken, I think of the miracle of
-- Cesar, "The Crepes of Wrath"
He sees well enough. Now go buy a case of anti-freeze. -- Cesar, "The Crepes of Wrath
Quand je sens que ma foi dans les forces supr\^emes faiblit, je pense toujours au miracle de l'anti-freeze.
-- Cesar, "The Crepes of Wrath...
Cesar: [shoves a cup of wine in Bart's face] Drink this.
Bart: Oh, no thanks. Cesar: Do not worry. This is France....
Bart: You gotta help me. These two guys work me night and day.
They don't feed me. They make me sleep on the floor....
Bart: "You gotta help me! These two guys work me night and day.
They don't feed me. They make me sleep on the floor....
Spy: So, Sparrow, we meet again. Adil: Yes. Sometimes I think that I am getting too old for this game.
-- "The Crepes of Wrath...
Bart: And I'd get to take a plane there, wouldn't I, Mom?
Marge: Yes, Bart. Bart: And one back? -- We'll think about it, "The Crepes of Wrath...
You will find life here at the ch\^ateau hard, but if you shut up and do exactly what we say, the time will pass more quickly.
-- Cesar, "The Crepes of Wrath...
We think Maggie may say her first word any day now.
-- Marge's letter to Bart, "The Crepes of Wrath...