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Increased Job Satisfaction And Family Togetherness Are Poison For A Purveyor Of Mind-numbing Intoxicants Like Myself.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Increased job satisfaction and family togetherness are poison for a
purveyor of mind-numbing intoxicants like myself.
-- Moe, "Flaming Moe's"
When the weight of the world has got you down and you want to end your life.
Bills to pay, a dead-end job, and problems with the wife....
Wow, Homer, it's like there's a party in my mouth and everybody's invited!
-- Moe tastes a Flaming Homer, "Flaming Moe'...
Homer: [mumbling] Moe... Moe... Moe... Marge: Bart, are you going to mow the lawn today?
Bart: Okay, but you promised me mo' money. Marge...
Kent: Next on `Eye on Springfield', a toast to Moe!
he Wizard of Walnut Street. Moe: The Flaming Moe dates back to my forefathers who were bartenders to the czar....
He may have come up with the recipe, but I came up with the idea of charging $
6.95 for it. -- Moe Syzlak Flaming Moe'...
Gin and... tonic? [in disbelief] Do they mix?
-- Moe dusts off his chart of drink recipes, "Flaming Moe'...
Now <that's> what I call a Happy Hour. -- Moe in bed with the waitress, "Flaming Moe'
Wow! Info-tainment! -- Homer watches `Eye on Springfield', "Flaming Moe'
Whoa! T and A!
-- Bart catches a glimpse of `Eye on Springfield's story on bikinis, "Flaming Moe'...