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That's Funny For So Many Reasons. -- Bart, "I Love Lisa
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
That's funny for so many reasons.
-- Bart, "I Love Lisa"
Marge: I hope you realize now that violence on TV may be funny, but it's not so funny when that violence is happening to you.
Bart: [smug] But it _would_ be funny to someone who was watching us....
Cool, I broke his brain! -- Bart, "I Love Lisa
Nelson: Look, Lisa: I found this change on the bottom of the pool.
You can have it. Lisa: Thanks, Nelson. Ralph...
Lisa: [laughs wickedly] Marge: What's so funny? Lisa
Oh, uh ... I was just thinking of a joke I saw on Herman's Head....
Marge: Bart, I feel so bad for going so many years without.
.. mmm... mmm... What's that word where you encourage something to grow?...
What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?
and my doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose-bleeds if I kept my finger out of there.
-- Thank you Ralph, very graphic, "I Love Lisa...
Homer: Okay, now look. My boss is going to be at this picnic, so I want you to show your father some love and/or respect.
Lisa: Tough choice. Bart: I'm picking respect. -- "There's No Disgrace Like Home...
Lisa: Bart's pain is funny, but mine isn't. That saxophone was my one creative outlet.
It was the only way I could truly express myself....