Jackie: Oh, My Favorite Song. This Is So Nice! Abe

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Jackie: Oh, my favorite song. This is so nice!
Abe: I can't remember when I felt this young. Oh...I really can't!
[they almost kiss]
Burns: Say, sport! Mind if I have the next dance?
Abe: [stammers] What the --? Don't sneak up on a -- oh, you --
Burns: No need for the blown gasket, Charlie. I'll have her back in
one piece.
["Sing, Sing, Sing" begins. Burns dances up a storm with
Abe: Grr. That big ape thinks he can muscle in on my girl, does he?
I'm gonna give him the frowning of a lifetime! [does so]
[Monty and Jackie dance on, oblivious]
-- Not much of a revenge, "Lady Bouvier's Lover"
