Itchy: Thanks, kids. Now we'd like to speak to you seriously for a
Scratchy: Yup. This week is the grand opening of "Itchy and Scratchy
Land" -- the violentest place on earth[tm].
Itchy: And to celebrate, for this week only, we're cutting ticket
prices in half. [pulls out scissors]
[Scratchy pulls out a card saying "ticket prices"]
[Itchy stabs the scissors through Scratchy's brain]
Scratchy: Yow! [pulls out scissors and brain together]
[stars drooling moronically]
[camera pulls out to show Krusty standing next to a TV which
he turns off]
Krusty: Kids, you heard the cartoon rat. If you haven't already run
to your parents begging to go, do it now. You won't be
missing anything funny: I'll just be sitting here reading this
grownup's newspaper. ["Racing Form"] [laughs] Go now!
-- Those krazy klown endorsements,
"Itchy and Scratchy Land"