Frink: You've Got To Listen To Me. Elementary Chaos Theory Tells Us That All Robots Will Eventually Turn Against Their Masters And Run Amok In An Orgy Of Blood And Kicking And The Biting With The Metal Teeth And The Hurting And Shoving.

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Frink: You've got to listen to me. Elementary chaos theory tells us
that all robots will eventually turn against their masters
and run amok in an orgy of blood and kicking and the biting
with the metal teeth and the hurting and shoving.
Repairman: How much time do we have, professor?
Frink: [checks clipboard] Well, according to my calculations, the
robots won't go berserk for at least 24 hours.
[Scratchy robot grabs men by the throat]
[Itchy robot goes after another man]
Oh, I forgot to, er, carry the one.
-- A small miscalculation, "Itchy and Scratchy Land"
