Halloween Phrases That Sound Dirty


10. She's a goblin!
9. I'd like to get a little something in the sack.
8. Let me see your bag....OH! You're having a great night!
7. Just get on your hands and knees and bob your head.
6. She's got a couple of nice pumpkins on her porch.
5. If you just lick it, it'll last longer.
4. Show me your JuJuBees and I'll let you see my Zagnuts.
3. Have your mom check it before you put it in your mouth...
2. You scared me stiff!
1. He's got Candy spread out on the living room floor!

More Halloween

  1. [page] 10 Things That Sound Dirty On Halloween
  2. [page] Dont Let The Nun Go Down On Me
  3. [page] Geriatric Halloween
  4. [page] Halloween Blunder
  5. [page] Halloween HaHaFrickinHa
  6. [page] Halloween Party
  7. [page] Halloween Phrases That Sound Dirty
  8. [page] Halloween Treats For The Dead
  9. [page] Halloween Which Witch
  10. [page] Nun In A Cab
  11. [page] The Govinator
  12. [page] The Halloween Costume
  13. [page] Who Was That Masked Man
  14. [page] Why Halloween Is Better Than Sex