Our Friend, Ed, The Texas A&M Aggie, Got Up One Morning Real Early To Go Ice-fishing.

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Our friend, Ed, the Texas A&M Aggie, got up one morning real early
to go ice-fishing. He gathered up his tackle, hammer and chisel and
headed to a new lake he'd heard about.

Arriving at dawn he gently walked out on the ice set up his stool
and got his tackle out. Then he picked up his hammer and chisel
and began chopping a hole in the ice to fish through...

Suddenly a booming voice from above said, "Don't cut a hole in the
ice. There are no fish below the ice."

Well, Ed, shook his head and looked around but didn't see anything.
Figgered it was his mind playing tricks on him. So he continued to
hack away at the ice. Moments later the voice boomed again,"You're
wasting your time! There are no fish below!"

Ed was sure he heard the voice that time. Touched with a feeling of
the supernatural he stood up with his arms outstretched to heaven.

"Lord, is that you talking to me?!?!"

After a brief pause the voice replied, " NO, this is the owner of
the skating rink!
