The first guy told them about their car, and wondered
if he could possibly give them a hand.
"Well, it's too d*amn late out, I s'pose you could
stay the night here, on the grounds that you keep yer
paws off my wife and daughter. You folks stay in the
basement. If you need help, we'll be upstairs."
Gratefully, the guys accepted.
At around one o'clock, the first guy though 'What the
hell,' and decided to check out the daughter. He slipped out
of the bed, and headed upstairs- the stairs, however,
creaked as walked up. The first guy heard the sound of a
shotgun being loaded and a gruff voice - "Who the
hellizat?!" The first guy had to think fast!
"Meow- Meow"
"A whew, just the cat" the farmer said. The first guy went
back to bed.
About an hour later, the second guy decided to check
out the daughter- He did what the first guy did, the farmer
pulled out his shotgun- "Who the hellizat?!" - "Meow-Meow"