Other Monica Lewinsky Nicknames For President Clinton
10. Puffy the intern slayer
9. Sheriff Bubba
8. The chief sexecutive
7. Unnamed high-ranking official
6. My sweet impeachable you
5. The little rock rascal
4. El presidente del amor
3. Tubby Dearest
2. Commander-in-briefs
1. Free willie 2
Top 10 Summer Camps you should not send your kids to
10 - Tommy Lee's------------Camp Kickachickee
9 - Lorena Bobbit's-------Camp Cutaweewee
8 - Tanya Harding's-------Camp Whackaneenee
7 - Kenneth Starr's-------Camp Catchacrookee
6 - Louis Farakahn's------Camp Killawhitey
5 - O....