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I Heard That They Were Going To Move Texas A&M To Canada.
Short Jokes
Funny Jokes
I heard that they were going to move Texas A&M to Canada.......
They say that it will raise the average IQ of both countries.
Once upon a time there was a sperm named Stanley who lived inside a famous movie actor.
Stanley was a very healthy sperm. He'd do pushups and somersaults and limber himself up all the time, while the other sperm just lay around on their fat asses not doing a thing....
Q: Did you hear that half of Poland moved to Italy? A: They raised the I.Q. of both countries!
I heard you took an IQ test and they said you're results were negative.
Raise your IQ-----Eat Mensans.
A man and his wife were traveling through Kansas on a hot day
when they stopped for gas the wife stayed in the car with the windows up and the air conditioning going, while the husband stepped out to talk to the man servic- ing the car....
A man went to a doctor. Some say he went there to have an operation to become Polish
others say he wanted to become an Aggie; there's yet another faction who claims that he wanted to work at the post office...
I just took an IQ test. The results were negative.
An elderly English couple, the wife rather deaf, were visiting New York.
They hail a cab and start out on a lengthy journey....
Proof By Intimidation ----- -- ------------ A Horse has an infinite number of legs.
A horse has two legs in back and forelegs in front....