Picture The Scenario: It's First Day Back At School After The Summer Hols And All The Little Infants Are Fidgeting About With Excitement Etc.

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Picture the scenario: it's first day back at school after the Summer Hols
and all the little infants are fidgeting about with excitement etc...

Teacher: Okay, kids, we'll begin the year by discussing what we
did over the Summer Hols. Joey, what did you do?

Joey: Well Miss, I had a wonderful time. Every morning I would
go down to the beach and play in the sand...

Teacher: Very good Joey, if you can spell "sand" I'll give you a
Mars Bar.

Joey: mmhhh... S-A-N-D

Teacher: Very good Joey. Here's a Mars Bar. Sally, what did you do over
the summer?

Sally: Well Miss, I would go down to the beach and play in the sand
too. Sometimes Joey and I would go for a paddle in the sea...

Teacher: Lovely. If you can spell "sea" you can have a Mars Bar.

Sally: S-E-A

Teacher: Good Sally. Have a Mars Bar. Now, what about you Leroy. What
did you get up to?

Leroy: Well Miss, I also went down to the beach each morning, but
none of the other kids would play with me 'cause my skin's
a different colour...

Teacher: Oh poor, poor Leroy, how dreadful. That's racial hatred for you.
If you can spell "racial hatred" you can have a Mars Bar...
