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161 An Old Man At The Folies Bergere Had A Jock, A Most Wondrous Affai
Short Jokes
161 An old man at the Folies Bergere
Had a jock, a most wondrous affair:
It snipped off a twat-curl
From each new chorus girl,
And he had a wig made of the hair.
The Plan In the beginning was THE PLAN and then came the assumptions, and the assumptions were without form, and THE PLAN was completely without substance
and the darkness was upon the face of the employees, and they spoke amongst themselves saying...
Just before the big wedding day a groom's friends decided to throw him a stag party.
After many drinks, a naked girl jumped out of the big cake and started dancing with the groom....
Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to watmath!
looking!funny . Attribute the joke's source if at all possible....
A black guy and a gorilla go into a bar together. He says to the bartender, "I'd like a beer, and a gin and tonic for my girlfriend here.
The bartender says, "Oh come on, pal, we don't serve no gorillas in here....
The Wizard of Zone Once upon a time in Depression-era Kansas there was a little black boy named Zachary X (pronounced "ex" not "ten") who lived on a farm.
He was an orphan, a cheap device to garner your sympathy....
RACIAL/ETHNIC There were these two men drinking together in a bar.
One was of Chinese extraction, the other Jewish....
You've got the whitest teeth I've ever come across.
.... %end of list------------- Female to guy: Hi, you look like a real wanker....
NEWS FLASH - Men And Women Are NOT Alike Sure, you thought you already knew that.
But now we have proof! After countless hours of surveys and studies on the following topics, these facts have emerged...
Cromwell and Rasputin by as submitted to Dr.
Richard King The following essay was an actual submission by a stu- dent, who was given the assignme...