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51 There Was A Young Man Named Hughes Who Swore Off All Kinds Of Booze.
Short Jokes
51 There was a young man named Hughes
Who swore off all kinds of booze.
He said, "When I'm muddled
My senses get fuddled,
And I pass up too many screws."
There was a young girl of Penzance Who boarded a bus in a trance The passengers fucked her, Likewise the conducter, The driver shot off in his pants.
There was a young man of Kildare Who was fucking a girl on the stair....
I've got this compilation of variations on the "My Dog's Got no Nose" joke, which I thought you might like to use in rec.
humor.funny. I have read your list of submission guidelines, and I know that you don't like people to submit groups of jokes all at once, *but* ....
Reason for Swearing... Once there was a man who walked into a confessional.
ell me your sins" said the priest. "Father," replied the man "I have used some foul language over the weekend and I feel absolutely terrible"....
RODNEY DANGERFIELD'S BEST ONE-LINERS A girl phoned me the other day and said .
... Come on over, there's nobody home. I went over....
A tribe of Native Americans generally referred to their woman by the animal hide with which they made their blanket.
Thus, one woman might be known as Squaw of Buffalo Hide, while another might be known as Squaw of Deer Hide....
101 EASY WAYS TO SAY NO I'd love to, but... 1 I have to floss my cat.
2 I've dedicated my life to linguini. 3 I want to spend more time with my blender....
It seems that a young man who came from a wealthy family was going off to college.
Now Dad, who was no slouch, knew that the young rascal would probably just use all his money to booze it up and go after the girls (since this is what he himself had done)....
Q: What does NASA stand for? A: Need Another Seven Astronauts 0, unseen,, *** EOOH *** Date
Tue, 30 Oct 90 17:08:46 EST From:
The ark lands after The Flood. Noah lets all the animals out.
Says, "Go and multiply." Several months pass. Noah decides to check up on the animals....