This Guy Starts Getting These Headaches That Progressively Worsen Until He Can't Eat, Sleep, Or Work.

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This guy starts getting these headaches that progressively worsen until he
can't eat, sleep, or work. After an extensive examination, the doctor tells
him that they can cure the headaches, but that it will require an operation
where they remove both of his testicles. The man eventually realizes that he
simply can't continue with the headaches, so he reluctantly agrees. Upon
awaking after the operation, there is no trace of the headaches. He checks
out of the hospital, feeling like he has been reborn. In order to celebrate,
he decides to go into a fancy men's shop, and treat himself to the most expensive
imported suit they have. The old man in the shop, having gotten an idea of
what the man would like, starts off to find him a suit. "Wait," the man
says, "you don't even know my measurements yet." The old man explains that
he's been working in the garment industry all his life, and can tell a
person's measurements just by looking at him. To prove it, the old man
starts rattling off measurements - "33 waist, 32 inseam, 16 neck, 34 sleeve,
32 underwear." "Correct on everything but the underwear," the man says
admiringly, "I wear size 30." "No way," the old man says confidently, "32
underwear is definitely your size, I'm sure." "Look," the man says, a little
irritated, "I ought to know what size underwear I wear." The old man
interrupts him, yelling "IF YOU WORE SIZE 30 UNDERWEAR, YOU'D HAVE THE MOST
