An Aging Admiral Is Visiting The Local Brothel. Jenny, A New Girl There Comes Into The Room And Finds Him Just Getting Into A Tub Of Water.

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An aging Admiral is visiting the local brothel. Jenny, a new
girl there comes into the room and finds him just getting into
a tub of water. "What", she asks "Do you want me to do?"
"If you would please just start splashing the water and get
some waves going."
Which she does.
Then he asks her to make blowing noises like the wind.
Which she does, all the while making great waves in the water.
"Now," he says "flick the lights on and off like lightning".
So she is blowing, and splashing and flicking, and getting
tired of it. "Say, don't you want to make love?" she asks.
"What!! In this WEATHER??"
