One Night In Londonderry, An Irishman And An Englishman Parked Their Cars Side-by-side In A Pub Parking Lot.

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One night in Londonderry, an Irishman and an Englishman parked their cars
side-by-side in a pub parking lot. The Irishman had a rusted-out 1954
Morris 1000; the Englishman, a new Rolls-Royce. The Irishman, in drunken
awe asked, "Shore and t'ats a mighty fine-lookin' motor car you aff, sor.
If you please, whot does a man aff to do to 'et a car like that?"
The Englishman snootily replied, "I work for Cunard." Slurred the Irishman,
"I wohk fohkin' `ard, too!"
