A Guy, Who Just Joined The Foreign Legion Was Sent To North Africa.

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A guy, who just joined the Foreign Legion was sent to North Africa. After
three months of sleeping in the trackless wastes, he started getting sex
hungry. So he asked his captain, "What do people do to satisfy their needs?"
"Well," the captain relied, "See that hut over there? At night go stick your
dick in there." So, that night, the guy went out to the hut and stuck his
dick through the wall. A pair of warm lips wrapped around his member, and he
proceeded to get the blow job of his life! This went on for a week before,
one night, nothing happened. So the guy went to the captain and asked him
what the problem was. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you," said the captain,
"it's your turn to go into the hut ..."
