One Day Marshal Dillon Saw A Cowboy Dunking An Old Women's Head In A Horse Trough!

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One day Marshal Dillon saw a cowboy dunking an old women's head in a horse
trough! The Marshal got upset and went over where this was happening.
"You best stop that, boy!" he warned, "Tain't nice what you're doing there!"
The cowboy replied, "Mind your own business. This is -MY- mother and I'll do
what I want ..." The cowboy continued to slam the women's head in the dirty
horse trough. Marshal Dillon was getting seriously pissed, "Look here, boy,
I'm gonna have to run you in, you don't stop that!" Fixing the Marshal with
a withering glare, the cowboy replied, "Mind your own damn business! She's
my mother and I'll do what I want!" By this time the Marshall was very pissed
- he hadn't had someone talk to him like that since he was a wet-behind-the-
ears deputy. He started towards the unruly cowboy, trying to slap the cuffs
on him, when the cowboy let go of the elderly woman and punched the Marshall
right between the eyes! As soon as the stunned Marshal hit the ground, the
cowboy jumped on his horse and galloped out of town. Marshall Dillon wobbled
to his feet and yelled, "Come back here, you cop-socking mother dunker!"
