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Q: Did You Hear About The Two Black Guys On "That's Incredible"?
Short Jokes
Questions and Answers
Q: Did you hear about the two black guys on "That's Incredible"?
A: One had a job, and the other knew his father.
Q: Did you hear about the black guy who had diarrhea? A: He thought he was melting.
Q: Did you hear about the two fags who had an argument in a gay bar?
A: They went outside to exchange blows....
One day a kid came home and yelled, "Ma, Ma, I had sex for the first time today!
The mother was outraged and sent the kid upstairs to his room....
Did you hear about the two little old ladies feeding pigeons in the park?
Suddenly, a streaker flashed past! One little old lady had a stroke, the other wasn't quick enough ....
RACIAL/ETHNIC There were these two men drinking together in a bar.
One was of Chinese extraction, the other Jewish....
Q: Hear about the guy who complained to a friend that his wife had cut him down to twice a week.
A: The friend said, "Hell that's not so bad, I know two guys she's cut out entirely!...
Did you hear about the black boy that jumped into the freezer?
-He had diarrhea and he thought he was melting....
The Complete Set Of Blonde Jokes ----------------------------------- 12/15/92 Q
How do blonde braincells die ? A: Alone....