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Mr. Mondale Calls Mr. Reagan's Statement That He Has No Plans For A Tax Increase A "fish Story.
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Mr. Mondale calls Mr. Reagan's statement that he has no plans for a tax
increase a "fish story." It looks as if this campaign will be no different from
most others: carp, carp, carp.
I have no plans for a tax increase," Mr. Reagan says.
Like some other things will it happen without planning?...
I knew this eccentric Frenchman who raises carp in the south of France.
When the carp are full grown, he catches them, skins them, and makes men's wallets out of the skins....
Roe v. Sturgeon: 90% of everything is carp.
Mr. Mondale says he'd raise taxes if elected and says Mr.
Reagan will too. If he's going to base this campaign on truth and candor he's got even less chance than we thought....
Mr. Mondale plans to kick off his campaign in the South, it's reported.
To this ticket, however, the South may mean South Bend....
If Mr. Mondale wants a woman veep who's well known and who has been close to the center of power he might ask Nancy Reagan.
Aunt Ilse from Oelwein wonders why no one thinks Mr.
Mondale has a chance to beat Mr. Reagan. "Any country that can choose old," she writes, "can just as easily choose boring....
This may be a dirty presidential campaign, with Democrats showing old movies of Mr.
Reagan hanging around Bonzo and Republicans showing footage of Mr....
Elizabeth Dole predicts most women will vote for Mr.
Reagan. If anyone remembers her statement after Nov. 6 it may become known as the gender gaffe....