Madge Had Been Lonely For Many Years After Her Husband's Death.

HomeShort JokesSex Humor

Madge had been lonely for many years after her husband's death. She decided
she wanted to get married again. But, she didn't know any eligible men. So
she decided to put an ad in the newspaper. The ad contained three criteria:

1. The man would not beat her. (like her previous husband)
2. The man would not run around on her. (like her previous husband)
AND 3. The man was good in bed.

The day after the ad ran, Madge's doorbell rang. When she answered the
doorbell, she found a man in a wheelchair. She asked the man if she could help
him and he said he was there to respond to the ad. Madge asked the man what ad
he was talking about. He said the ad for the Husband. Then Madge told him that
there were specific needs in the ad. The man in the wheelchair replied:

1. Look at me, I have no arms, so I can't beat you.
2. I have no legs, so I can't run around on you.

Madge replied, "But there was one more important criterium the ad." The man
in the wheelchair then asked: "How do you think I rang the doorbell?"
