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Five Is Right Out.
Short Jokes
Five is right out.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
Start your day out right - Hug a Texan!
The District Attorney requested all the robbery victims to come to the police station to study a lineup of five people.
He placed his suspect at the end of the line. Then he asked each to step forward and say, "Give me all your money....
All right.... who siphoned the blood out of my cat?
Satan and the Golf Game The foursome was playing golf and the young man who was about to putt saw that he had a long serpentine 40' putt to make.
As he was surveying his situation, he murmured to himself, "I would give anything to make this shot and really show these guys that I have learned to play some decent golf over the past five years....
The fireman told his wife, "From now on we're going to do things right - by the bells, like we do it at the firehouse.
When I ring one bell, you meet me at the door with a kiss....
How many Columbia students does it take to change a lightbulb?
Seventy-six--one to change the lightbulb, fifty to protest the lightbulb's right to not change, and twenty-five to hold a counter-protest....
five strange ones The following just goes to show what can happen when you have too much time on your hands.
#1 There were two cows sitting in a field. The first cow says to the other, "Hey, did you hear about that Mad Cow Disease?...